Art Educator


I went to the University of San Francisco and received a Bachelors degree in Graphic Design. I furthered my love for technology by also adding a minor in Computer Science while at USF. I have had many internships and jobs in the digital art field including tutoring other graphics students, designing and taking photos for a fashion company in LA, and doing marketing design for entertainment companies also in Los Angeles. After working for a few years, I decided to follow my dream of becoming a high school teacher. I LOVE comic books, movies, collectible figures, and scuba diving in my free time when I'm not lesson planning or grading!

I currently teach at Orange High School in Orange, California. I am responsible for Art of Graphic Design, Graphic Design II, Spyder Lab, and I co-teach Yearbook with our Marketing and Business CTE Teacher. So far, I am loving teaching my digital art classes! The students are so hardworking as we build new skills and reintroduce old habits to create successful students and artists. The talent and work ethic in the students in my classes inspires me to push them to do more and go beyond what they think they can accomplish.





Art Disciplines Through New Tech

Aesthetic Theories and Art Education

On Site Studies in Art Education

Child Development and Learning

Adolescent Development: Cross Culturally

US Secondary Schools Intercultural Education


Reading and Writing In Secondary Schools

Coll Model Inclusive Education

Intro to Teaching - Art

Curriculum and Methods in Teaching Art

Health Sciences - Secondary Teachers

Email: [ lomosocal@gmail.com ]

OHS Yearbook Instagram: [ @orangehighyearbook ]

OHS Spyder Lab Instagram: [ @ohs_spyder ]